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Christmas Countdown Flash Banners

With Christmas just around the corner, some Flash based countdowns, some available for download.

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Seadragon Ajax Image Zoom

Seadragon Ajax Image Zoom is a port of Seadragon Silverlight to let you add deep image zoom to any image using JavaScript only. A wizard is available for cut and past procedures.

Your Votes: 11 Yays  8 Nays

6 valuable things web design clients won’t tell you

Business advice on dealing with client issues that often arise when designing sites.

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5 Ways to Spice up Your Images with CSS

A few simple CSS tricks to add some flavor to your typical bland images, such as a Watermark or Shadow effect.

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Opera 10 alpha passes Acid3 test completely

Opera 10 alpha claims to pass the Acid3 test 100%, the 2nd browser after Safari 4 to do so.

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50 High-Res Apple, MacOS and iPhone Wallpapers

Here is collection of some of the finest and most beautifully designed Apple Mac & iPhone wallpapers for your desktop.

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Creating a flashy image slideshow with IE Transitions

A step by step tutorial on creating a cross browser image slideshow that's enhanced visually in IE using IE Transitions.

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Valid (X)HTML - Is it important?

As a web designer you’re encouraged to write valid code, but is it really important? A look at the reasons behind validation.

Your Votes: 13 Yays  2 Nays

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